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Data on the memory device
During work with TRACK-Leader, two types of data are produced:
Tracks - Everything that is marked in green on the screen. This data describes one single work process.
The tracks are automatically saved in TRACK-Leader as soon as the field is deactivated in ISOBUS-TC.
You are in the “ngstore” folder on the USB memory device.
They could be imported for evaluation with TRACK-Guide Desktop.
Each field is given the name ISOBUS-TC--PFD. Whereby PFD stands for the PFD number of the field in ISOBUS-TC. For example: ISOBUS-TC--2
Changing of fixed field data: Field boundaries, guidance lines, obstacles. This data is not only important for one work process, it can also be used in the future.
This data is saved as shp files in the “SHP” folder.